SRP - Sessions with Melissa
Need an updated portrait? We have a deal for you!
I made a short video to tell you about this opportunity and show you the backgrounds we’ll be using….. 🙂
Our franchise is launching a new type of session and need some awesome models to help us with determine operations and provide samples.
Thursday, June 26th, 2019 at MCDC.
Whoever signs up! Images will be of individuals only (no sibling or family portraits). (We will of course do sibling portraits in the fall session).
What to Wear
The background will be a solid gray, white brick, solid blue or a solid cream. We will decide on the background depending on the clothing that you bring. These will be 3/4 to head-shot images (no full length).
- SOLIDS! (Please no bold patterns, stripes, large logos, or writing.)
- Looking for silver, cream and blue. Other colors will coordinate just fine too.
- HATS…. yes please
- Layers… jackets, scarves, sweaters, etc…
- Jewelry… if your little one loves it… send it!
- BABIES… Simple is best! Diaper cover and headband or hat is our preference. If you must dress them in clothes, please NO collars (or make sure to sew them down).
Bring any toys or props that you or your child loves.
- Favorite book
- Lovie!
- Legos
- Stuffed Animal
You must sign the model release if you participate in this session. We are also offering a complimentary 8×10 (for on-time orders). Purchase of additional prints is not required. If you would like to purchase additional portraits, 8×10 units start at $20 and are less when you purchase in a package.
Just for fun! Win a Wall Portrait!
You can win an 11×14 wall portrait – we will have a people’s choice contest with the samples! We will pick 1 image from your child’s session to enter into the contest. The image with the most votes will win a complimentary 11×4!