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Local photographer in Springfield

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Meet Your Local Photographer!

Helping Families and Educators Fall In Love With Picture Day

Meet Katie Jennings!

Katie can’t wait to bring her amazing talent and joy to your school.  A resident of Ozark, Katie loves to make Picture Day your favorite day of the year.

She and her team offer a variety of Fall and Spring sets,  holiday sets, Cap & Gown sets for preschool and kindergarten graduation, and even custom sessions for families.

A couple of things to expect when you partner with me:

  • I promise to make your picture day as easy as possible through organization, open communication and the use of our stress free systems!
  • I love working with children and listening to the funny stories they share.
  • My goal is to capture their unique personalities so that it shines through and parents will have beautiful portraits of this brief moment in time.
Book My School

SRP-Springfield offers the following session types:

PreschoolK-12Custom Sessions


Get In Touch With Us to Book Your Personality-Packed Portraits

Katie Jennings

Book My School

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