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2024 Franchise Awards

Published on February 6, 2024

2024 Franchise Awards was one of the highlights of our time together at our Masterpiece Conference. We love getting to recognize and award each of our franchise owners who worked so hard the previous year. Each year the competition gets tougher as we have so many achieving franchise owners.

We base our franchise awards on our core values of Advocacy, Respect, Integrity, Excellence and Legacy. Each of our owners exhibit all of these core values, but a few were selected for special recognition for our 2024 Franchise Awards:

Advocacy Awards

Annually we love getting to honor and recognize each of our franchise owners who have sought our opportunities to serve their community. Each owner has aligned themselves with photography projects that they are passionate about and many generously donate their time and talent each year to the same organizations to assist and lift up those who are less fortunate.


Heather Sams (An army veteran)  was awarded for her support of her local high school’s JROTC!  Thank you for donating your time and talent and $8,200+!!!! Your generosity is to be commended! She has donated over $43,000 to this organization over the past 7 years!

Scott and Kara Kellner helped provide child care to needy families through their local Childcare Resources, plus partnered with the Lovelady Center and a local police department for headshots!  Your generosity is to be commended.

Ashley Eckel hosted a Santa session for a local Austin underserved preschool and hosted Santa sessions to benefit the Austin Blue Santa Project

Carrie Fischel hosted a Santa session to support the SJRC-Texas Belong Foster & Adoption group. She donated $1,165 from her sessions.

Joey and Sandi Fotheringham donated time and talent in to promote Judah Brown Project to create awareness of childhood water safety.

Lynn and Rernardo Driver hosted Santa sessions at a local nursing home and provided residents with new blankets and slippers.

Amanda Day hosted family portrait sessions and gave $1600 to a local family who was on disability leave.


Christine Mamon, Patricia Mesi, Leah Bailey, and Jennifer Deniston served a local school with diverse needs.

The Huntsville team conducted 5 Giving Back Sessions this year! 

  1. This year was the 11th annual Focus on Autism Day, where they provide complimentary stress-free sessions and a joyful wall portrait for families living with Autism. Team Huntsville helped raise $2000 that was donated to the Autism Charity TACA   

2. Tres Bella Event – Day of hope for Ovarian Cancer Patients.  SRP Huntsville sponsored the event and provided beautiful portraits for the event participants, provided event coverage, and the photo ornaments and decorations for the Tinsel Trail Tree.

3. Paws with Claus – SRP Huntsville conducted a fundraiser for the      Greater Huntsville Humane Society.  They donated $1650 to help support the humane care and treatment of all animals through GHHS!

4.  SRP Huntsville conducted charity Santa Portraits supporting Kids to Love   They donated $5904 to this amazing agency that helps meet the needs of foster children with the ultimate goal of finding forever families for children waiting to be adopted.  

5. SRP Huntsville sponsors the Teal Warrior Project.  Providing family portraits for ovarian cancer patients and their families.

Extra Miler

The Extra Miler Award goes to someone who consistently goes above and beyond to help their fellow franchise owners.

Lynn Driver for always going the extra mile to answer questions and help fellow franchise owners. You are always willing to lend  your time to help someone else.

The Advocate

The Advocate Award is awarded to the franchise owner who donates the most through their Advocacy projects.

Heather Sams won the Advocacy Award for donating $8,000+  to a JROTC unit. She has cumulatively donated $43,000 to the JROTC. She generously donated her time and talent. She compassionately assisted and lifted up those who are less fortunate! 

Media Moguls

The Media Mogul Award goes to the owner who consistently creates and shares content through their blog and social media.

For consistently posting and using their local FB pages, we deem Carrie Fischel, Alpharetta, and Lynn Driver the Media Moguls for 2023! 

The Rising Star

The Rising Star Award is awarded to the franchise owner who has the highest sales in their first season/year. 

Alleigh Gonah blew us away with her performance in their first season in 2023!

Shining Star

The Shining Star Award goes to the franchise who proves the most growth from the previous year.

Lynn Driver your dedication to obtaining new accounts and making the most of your current accounts earned you an increase in sales of 53%. We applaud you for a job well done, and are pleased to present you with the Shining Star Award.

We had to also recognize team Katy and Colorado Springs who also made large jumps in their annual sales.

Diamond Order

The Diamond Order Award goes to the highest grossing order for the year.

Higher than average sales are a direct indicator of the quality provided to our customers. Christine Mamon & Patricia Mesi had the highest order for the year from a 10 minute mini-session! We salute you for having the highest order of the year!

Peek Performer

The Peak Performer Award goes to our franchise with the highest gross sales for the year.

The Peak Performer Award went to Will Smith and the Brentwood/Franklin Team. Sales are a direct reflection on the quality of product we provide for our customers. Congratulations to your team for achieving the peek performer award for the year!

Happy Customer

Based on Google Reviews, the Happy Customer award goes to the franchise with best overall percentages.

Scott and Kara Kellner you earned the highest customer experience ratings for the year! With an impressive 89 5-star Google Reviews in one year! We salute you for your amazing work and customer service!

Our Franchise Owners kept a lot of customers happy last year! Honorable Mentions were awarded to Alpharetta, GA and Franklin/Brentwood, TN.

Purple Crown Award

The Purple Crown Award is the highest accolade that we award one franchise owner each year who excels in all our core values from the previous year. The coveted Purple Crown trophy travels home with the franchise owner.

Joey and Sandi you are both an excellent example of all our core values!

  • Advocacy – seeking ways to serve your community: You continually partner with the Judah Brown Project to bring awareness to childhood pool safety. 
  • Integrity – never compromising ethics, morals, or standards.
  • Excellence – providing exceptional quality portraits and great customer service: You earned many of our highest scores in print competition and walked the extra mile with your customers!
  • Respect – always showing concern and dignity for your customers and franchise family.
  • Legacy – operating your business to strengthen your commitment to family and community: You increased your annual sales by 41%+ and created more jobs!