Portrait Fund Raiser for Fountain Arts Center – July 18-20; Colorado Springs Photographer
Published on June 30, 2015
Have a beautiful portrait made… and help the Fountain Arts Center raise money for this year’s Cowboy Christmas event…
WHEN: Saturday, July 18th and Monday, July 20th. Sessions will be in the am… we will contact you with a session time if chosen.
HOW TO SIGN UP: Complete on line form HERE
In the Special Requests field… please note if you prefer your sample session to be on Saturday, July 18th, or Monday July 20th.
Fields that are not applicable (Class, Teacher, Enrollment…) you may leave blank. We will contact you with your session time and instructions if you are chosen for the sample session!
WHAT TO WEAR? We are looking for classic, traditional clothing in Fall colors. Golds, Browns, Oranges, Creams… Solids and small prints. Layers, accessories, jewelry and hats are also encouraged. Click link for: Clothing suggestions and Inspiration