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BFF’s (Best Friend Fotos) at the Academy for Academics and Arts – School Photographer

Published on March 4, 2017

AAA…  SRP is excited to present…. BFF’s (Best Friend Fotos!)

  • FRIDAY MARCH 10th!

  • BUY TICKETS at School MON – THURS March 6-9


  • Grab your besties or buddies and have a fabulous photo made at AAA on Friday, March 10th
  • $5 per person per photo- be in as many photos as you like, but each photo is $5!
  • 7-8th graders… buy your tickets before school in your pod! 
  • K-6th grade put the following info with your BFF money and give to homeroom teacher.

  • Each person gets a 5×7 print

If you want to plan your groups you can use this form:

[gview file=”https://spoiledrottenphotography.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/BFF-form-2017.pdf”]