Happy Apple Spring portraits are in the basket
Beautiful {school} Portraits!
Wow, I hope you signed up and are looking at your child’s portraits now. We all had so much fun last week and captured so many beautiful (and seriously goofy) moments. The set is called…
Serendipity! (sĕr′n-dĭp′ĭ-tē) [noun] The happy fortune of receiving beautiful portraits at your school by Spoiled Rotten Photography. Our mission is to create beautiful portraits! Not just a “school picture” but a lasting, classic, endearing portrait of your child that you will adore! Our spring set, Serendipity, is just the right amount of fun and the right amount of classic to create an adorable, timeless portrait!
start us off G

G started the week off STRONG!
We love the clothes you picked! Oh my goodness!

S has a smile that fills the whole room!
cuteness overload

E is a sweetey to his bones!
love is a smile away

These two brothers love to make each other laugh. (They made us laugh too.)
growing up fast

M is one dapper dude! (and such an AWESOME big brother!)
Remember, use the access code from your email to Order on-line by March 31st.
Pick Up your portraits at right at Happy Apple!