Send some HOPE and JOY! #SRPpicturePROJECT (#2) Spoiled Rotten Photography
Our Cup Runneth Over! SRPpicturePROJECT #2
My mom is elderly, and she is at high risk if she caught the virus, so we’ve been careful to keep our physical distance from her, but we haven’t seen her in weeks! So this got us thinking… How can we let her know how much we love and miss visiting with her? I’ve decided to send her some love in the mail, and we thought it would be fun to share this with you, too!
We’ll send your loved one some HOPE and JOY!
Even in these uncertain times our cups still runneth over… with HOPE and JOY! To celebrate this blessing… we want to spread some love to our extended SRP Family as well…
We want to send your loved one some HOPE and JOY (on your behalf)! We’ll include this simple message on one side of the coffee cup, with a portrait of your child on the other.
Here’s How It Works
- Post a joyful picture of your kiddo on FB or Insta before Monday, April 13th!
- Along with the picture, share a story about a loved why they need a little pick-me-up.
- Hashtag #SRPpicturePROJECT and #CupRunnethOver
- TAG @SpoiledRottenPhotography on FB
- TAG @SpoiledRottenPhoto in Insta
- IF YOUR PROFILE IS PRIVATE, Friend Me on FB or Follow Me on Insta (otherwise we won’t see your post!)
- Make sure to follow us on Insta & Like on Facebook!
- We’ll choose 10 of these stories to send personalized coffee cups with your child’s photo and message to your loved one!
- We’ll announce the winners on Monday, April 20th.
We LOVE you and are praying for you. If we can help you in anyway, please let us know!