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Hat’s Off to the The Blue Elephant Grads!

Published on February 21, 2017

We are excited to announce that your portraits are ready!  Please see the front desk to pick up your order on 2/21.  All digital images have been delivered via Dropbox.  If you missed the email, please let us know.  Thank you to everyone who participated in the portrait day.  Your children were fantastic!

We love seeing what the kids write when asked what the want to be when they grow up!  We think Miss D will make a great teacher.

Well Miss K, a statue is a new one for us!  That is some great creativity.

Miss B – We love your smile!

Looking pretty handsome Mr. G!

Two Thumbs up for Miss K and the rest of The Blue Elephant Grads!

Yes Miss L , we are excited for the parents to get the pictures too!

We enjoyed working with all of your children!