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Lindsay Lane Christian Acad – Fall Portraits!

Published on August 5, 2013

Lindsay Lane!

We are so excited to start our fall portrait season with your school!

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Here is the schedule:
Tuesday & Wednesday, August 20th & 21st – Mane Campus
Thursday, August 22nd – Cub Campus

1. Sign Up Now!

There is no sitting fee or obligation to purchase, but this session is elective, so please sign up on our web site:

Register before Thurs. Aug 15th here:   SIGN UP

Make sure to choose the appropriate campus.  If you have children at both campuses and would like them photographed together, please sign up for the Mane campus session- then you will be responsible for bringing your Cub campus student to the Mane Campus on either Aug 20th or Aug 21st (8am-11am).

2. Choose clothing

  Fall portraits are NON-Uniform!      

How to Dress:  Classic or vintage clothing styles in neutral or fall colors.  Creams, browns, jewel tones and blues will look fabulous.

Please avoid clothing with bold patterns, stripes, large logos, or writing.

Style Tip:  Add layers & accessories (hats, jackets, scarfs, jewelry).

Don’t forget to send their favorite toys or other special items (heirloom toys, their lovie, favorite book, sports equipment etc).

3. Send your children

to school with their portrait clothes, accessories, and props.  Your school will tell you your assigned day.

4. View your images on your private on-line gallery.

A typical proof set has 10-15 images. Share you access code with family and friends to easily share your portraits!

5. Order on-line.

Let us know your special requests. Our digital artist enhances each image, and portraits are professionally printed.

6. Pick Up

your portraits at school (home shipping is also available).

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