LLCA Spring Sports Group and Individual Portraits
Published on October 9, 2017
Lindsay Lane Fall Sports Portraits
Volleyball, Basketball, Bowling and Cross Country
Tues. Oct., 17, 2:30 – 4:00
REGISTER by Monday Oct 16th for Individual Portraits
NOTE: Due to a limited time to photograph, we will only photograph the students that are signed up. If you intend to purchase your individual portraits, please sign up!
- We will ONLY photograph individual portraits for athletes who signed up by MONDAY Oct 16
- Orders will be made on-line. You’ll have several beautiful images to choose from. And it will be fun!
- 8×10 units (1-8×10 or 2-5×7’s or 3-4×6’s or 8 wallets) start at $20, and are less when purchased in a package.
- Team portraits will be available for on-line purchase.
WE NEED 2 Parent Volunteers too! Help us have a efficient event and get a 30% discount on your portraits! (Sign up at link below)