Models Needed! Hipdaisy Catalog – Huntsville Photographer
Published on June 4, 2012
Do you have a good natured, easy-going girl that wears size 2T – 6? Do they love to ham it up for the camera? If so, we have got a fantastic opportunity for you!
Spoiled Rotten Photography has partnered with Hipdaisy Boutique to create images for their new catalog and marketing material.
We are selecting a limited amount of girls to participte in this special session. Hipdaisy is requesting natural hairstyles and NO makeup.
The sessions will be on Monday, June 18th (AM and PM sessions available). Sessions will take place in the Village of Providence.
Models will be compensated with one complimentary 8×10 from the session. Prints will also be available for purchase at Spoiled Rotten Pricing.