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Montessori HSV Family Portrait Day by Spoiled Rotten Photography on Saturday, May 19

Published on April 24, 2018

This is the perfect time to get a beautiful outdoor Family Portrait, or one of all your children photographed together.  We will capture the beautifully unique spirit of all your family or your children.


The session fee is only $30 per family (20 minute session).

 Let us know if you have any special requests, or if your child is  bringing any special items, or anything else you’d like us to know to make the session be a success! 

Portraits will be created at Montessori Huntsville Chaney Thompson Campus

Portrait Sessions:  Saturday, May 19th   UPDATE- this session has been postponed to the FALL stay tuned for details!

Photographer: Joy



Wear classic or fun clothing styles in SOLID or SMALL PRINTS.   Add layers and accessories (hats, jackets, bow-ties and jewelry).  This is a great way to add variety and personality to your images and gives your portrait depth and dimension.  

AVOID: Bold patterns, stripes, large logos, or writing.

SEND: Fresh flowers, wooden toys, dolls, jewelry, a favorite stuffed animal or book, musical instrument, their lovie or anything else your child loves!

  • For a family portrait– you want to look like you all belong together, but not like you are wearing a uniform.  Dress in similar tones.  Here’s a hint- lay all your family’s clothes out on the bed, if they could somehow all be worn by one clothing item will attract more attention in your portrait too… if the item of clothing stands out too much, you might want to consider substituting something different for that clothing item

Come to MSH (Chaney Thompson Campus) a little before your assigned portrait time.   Don’t forget your special items to include in your portrait!  

  • View  and order your images in your private on-line gallery.  
  • A typical proof set has 10-15 images.   
  • Share your access code with family and friends to show off your images!   
  • You have one week to make your selections. 

Investment:  8×10’s start at $25.  Packages start at $65 and are available with increasing discounts.  Digital images are also available.  A digital artist custom crops and enhances each image, and portraits are professionally printed on archival paper.  

DEPLOYED SPOUSE PROGRAM:  If you have a spouse deployed with the US Military, make note of this in the comments section when you order.  We’ll send a special gift to say “Thank you for your service!”

Portraits will be delivered to Montessori School of Huntsville for pick up.  We’ll send you an email when they are ready (within 4 weeks of ordering).  Home shipping is also available (this is great for out-of town grandparents that order!)  


Spoiled Rotten Photography studios are locally owned by professional photographers who specialize in boutique school and preschool portraits.  We are currently located in: Huntsville, AL, Franklin, TN, Alpharetta, GA, Birmingham, AL, Charlotte, NC, Colorado Springs, CO, Charleston, SC, Wilmington, NC, Denver, CO, Castle Rock, CO, Plano TX, Frisco, TX, McKinney, TX, Allen, TX, Warren, OH and Cleveland, OH.

For more information about Spoiled Rotten Photography, please visit our website: www.SpoiledRottenPhotography.com  For franchise information please CLICK HERE.