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Providence Porch Portraits – Meet your Neighbors! Patricia and Lulu

Published on May 2, 2020

Meet Patricia Miller and her sweet pup, Lulu of Thayer Street.  So awesome to live here and get to meet neighbors like Patricia.  We actually met over the Christmas break when we had a coffee for our street and ally neighbors.  She told me about her pup at the coffee, and I found her just as she described, a sweet, smart pup.   I love the image I took of just Lulu… she has a nice smile!  I don’t have a dog (yet!)  but when I do, I wan them to be a smiling dog!

How long have you lived in the Village of Providence?  1 year

What is your favorite thing about living in the Village?  Friendly. Easy to meet neighbors. Walk-able.

Tell us about your family!  I have lived in Huntsville since age 4.

Tell us about your occupation!  Retired physician.

How are you doing with social distancing?  Very well. See neighbors when I walk my dog Lulu.

Tell us about what you like to do.  My main hobby is lulu my dog. I also do yoga and participate in 2 book clubs. I am learning bridge and mahjong.