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Providence Porch Portraits – Meet your Neighbors! The Hannahs Family!

Published on May 11, 2020
Meet Jim and Veronica Hannahs of Hillcrest Ave.  Is there something about Hillcrest Ave that you have to be super friendly and neighborly to live on Hillcrest?  Super delightful to photograph this new to the neighborhood couple.    These two.. so cute together, their smiles- real, and their affection for each other- clear!  We even tried to get at least one of their fur babies in the photo… that was interesting.    Jim shared some of his many military experiences with us, and I’m not sure, but I think he may be a history genius.  Thank you Jim and Veronica for your service to our country!  I’m proud to be your neighbor, and look forward to getting to know you better.
How long have you lived in the Village of Providence?  5 months

What is your favorite thing about living in the Village?   It’s closeness to everything, friendly neighbors and safe environment.

Tell us about your family!   We are a military family, Jim being an Air Force veteran of 20 years and Veronica grew up in an Army family and now works as an Army civilian, currently on Redstone Arsenal. We hail from Ohio and Arizona but have lived in many states and countries. We are loving Huntsville and plan for this to be our last move.

How are y’all doing with social distancing?   Social distancing has been tough! It’s natural for us to want to reach out to others but we try our best to remember not to get too close or touch others. Fortunately this time of cloistering has allowed us to talk with and see our neighbors more frequently.

What is one interesting fact about your family?  We are the book ends of the Baby Boomer generation. Jim was born in 1946 and Veronica in 1964.

Tell us about what you like to do!   We have two cats (Gouda cat and Princess cat). Jim loves to play, talk about and watch golf. Veronica loves to dance for as long as her knees will allow. Veronica also loves to cook and Jim loves to eat  her cooking!