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Providence Porch Portraits – Meet your Neighbors – The Thaxtons!

Published on April 21, 2020

Providence Porch Portraits 

Y’all, what a delight it was to meet Daryl and Angela!  (and they are Auburn fans, bonus!).  Here’s a little neighborly info about them:

Meet the Thaxton Family!   Daryl and Angela Thaxton

How long have you lived in the Village of Providence? 6 1/2 years

What is your favorite thing about living in the Village? We love being convenient to everything….especially walking to the restaurants! We also love living in such a beautiful area!

Tell us about your family!  Daryl and I are both from Auburn, AL, but we have lived in the Huntsville area for 29 years. Daryl has worked as an aerospace engineer and I have focused on our four children, and all that goes along with that. We spent most of those years out in the Monrovia community. We always eyed Providence and loved watching it grow, never thinking we would move here! We love it! Daryl is still working, but now our focus is on our 11 grand-kids! They keep us busy!

How are y’all doing with social distancing?  Grocery pick up is the way to go….but I can’t wait to really shop again! We’ve also been using a lot of zoom for family and friend get together.

What is one interesting fact about your family? We love the Lord, family and Auburn sports!

Tell us about what you like to do!  We enjoy going to Auburn sporting events and loving on our grand-kids!