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Providence Porch Portraits – Meet your Neighbors! The Verge Family!

Published on May 27, 2020

Meet Clint and Tammy Verge!   It’s my pleasure to introduce the cutest newlyweds… well, not exactly newly-wed, but 5 years new!  Not many couples plan a photo-shoot for their 5 year anniversary!  That just goes to show you how much they treasure each other!  These two were a delight to photograph and I was honored to capture these memories for their anniversary.  Also keep a look-out for Tammy’s soon to be published book, Anxiously Freed!  I feed especially honored to create her beautiful portrait for the book cover! 

How long have you lived in the Village of Providence?  1 year

What is your favorite thing about living in the Village?  Our neighbors and the pedestrian-friendly lifestyle.

Tell us about your family!  Clint is from Missouri and Tammy is a Huntsville native. We are about to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.  Clint is retired Army and now a DA Civilian. Tammy has an errand service business, Elite Errands, and is a new author. Her book, Anxiously Freed, is due out in a couple of months.

How are y’all doing with social distancing?  We are doing well with social distancing.  We are staying busy with teleworking from home and enjoying the spring weather.

What is one interesting fact about your family? We were married four months after we met.

Tell us about what you like to do!  We have two Shih-Tzu’s, Zeke and Zoe. We love walking, the beach, and occasionally going ballroom dancing.