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Redstone CDC Fundraiser!

Published on June 5, 2012

We LOVE families….   and LOVE family portrait days!  On Aug 4th… we are having a special Family Portrait day to fund-raise for the Redstone CDC!

Don’t miss this great opportunity to have your family’s portrait made, or if you’d just like your kids alone that is ok too!  The session fee for this fundraiser is only $25  (additional $5 for each addition person) .   You must have access to Redstone Arsenal to participate in this event!

Here’s how the Fundraiser works:

1.  Sign up for your Sat. Aug 4th Session!
Sign up and choose your perfered time:  http://spoiledrottenphotography.bookmonline.com/schedules/armycdc

 **** IF ALL SESSIONS ARE FULL  make sure to sign up on the waiting list here:  WAITING LIST****

2. PAY your session fee.  Make Checks to Redstone Parent Advisory Council.  Drop your check at your CDC’s front office.

3.  Choose your clothing.   Choose clothing to coordinate with the Mon Ami set.  Make sure to check out the What to Wear page!

4.  Picture Day. 
Come to the Redstone CDC multi-purpose building a couple minutes before your session.  Make sure to bring your child’s favorite things! (Blankets, Lovies, Sports Equipment, etc.)   It’s always a good idea for your children to get plenty of sleep the night before their session!

5.  Order on-line.
Approximately 2 weeks after the photo shoot, you will receive an e-mail with instructions to view and order. A typical proof will have 10-15 poses.  Order and pay on-line choosing from several packages and a la cart items.  You will have 1 week to order your portraits.  Click here for :  Spoiled Rotten Mini-Session Pricing

6.  Pick-up Your Portraits.
Approximately 4 weeks after the ordering period, portraits are delivered to your school office for you to pick-up.