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Santa Loves Spoiled Rotten Photographers!

Published on December 20, 2023

That’s right! Santa loves to receive calls from our franchise photographers! That’s because he gets to meet and greet so many good boys, girls and pets! There were two franchise locations that welcomed Santa to their photo sessions for generosity projects. Spoiled Rotten Photography San Antonio and Santa raised money for SJRC Belong, an organization that helps place children in foster and adoptive families. Carrie Fischel had interested families sign up for portrait sessions and money raised went directly to SRJC Belong of San Antonio, Texas.

Spoiled Rotten Photography Huntsville, Alabama raised money for the Greater Huntsville Humane Society (GHHS) with their Claus for Paws event. The sessions were held at a local business, The Flower Shoppe of Providence. The event raised money for the local animal shelter needs and pet adoptions.

Santa Kirk said, “It is my pleasure and joy to donate time to support foster families and the humane society spreading love and holiday magic to all. May the love of God be with you during this Christmas season.”

For more Santa fun, make sure you check out our 5 Tips to Get Better Pictures With Santa!