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Savannah Set! – Huntsville Preschool Photographer

Published on July 3, 2012

Announcing our newest set creation… Savannah!  We visited this beautiful city in the spring, and were inspired by it’s old word charm, brick walkways, stately doors and wrought iron… (wrought iron to be added to the set soon!)  – all that is missing is the Spanish Moss!   This set is so versatile… it could be super classic or very fun depending on your clothing choices.


Our Fall Sample Session will take place Friday, July 20th, 8-noon at Melissa Tash Studios.  We will only choose 7-10 models.  We are looking for a variety of ages, skin tones and hair color.  We need a mix of girls and boys.  Children should be easy to work with and enjoy being photographed.

Huntsville Preschoo Photographer

Models will be compensated with a complimentary session.  Prints will be available for purchase at Spoiled Rotten Pricing.

Wardrobe Requirements:   We are looking for classic and moden outfits – in fall colors, either solid or small prints.   Classic portrait clothing of ivory or cream will work perfectly as well.  We  recommend your child bringing their favorite things (that you want to remember in their portrait) to be photographed.


We have partnered with Itty Bitty’s (in Interior Marketplace in Hampton Cove) for this event.  If you need to borrow clothing for the session, you may go to Itty Bitty’s July 9-18th and borrow clothing.  Bitty or Brenda will help you with your selections.


To be considered for this session, please complete the following form (we will let you know if you child is selected for this event):

Click here to be considered for the Savannah Set Model Search