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National Adoption Month

Published on November 2, 2016

November is National Adoption Month.  About 135,000 children are adopted in the United States each year.  It is a beautiful sight to see how a birth mother who is unable to keep her child for various reasons is able to connect and place her child into a loving couples arms who have answered the call to adopt or were unable to have their own child.

It was such an honor for Spoiled Rotten Photography to partner with Sacred Selections this Fall to offer “Portraits on the Plains,” at the beautiful Lazenby Farms location for Auburn’s 1st Sacred Selections Event.  The cotton fields were at their peak and made for a beautiful evening backdrop. With a donation to Sacred Selections each family received a session and 8×10 print.

Sacred Selections mission is to financially assist Christian couples whose hearts and homes are open to loving and raising a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The dream of parenting does not have to be constrained by limited financial resources. The foundation, its board and many generous donors are committed to using the blessings we’ve received to assist in the wonderful effort in creating a Christian home and family.  Each of the babies that are matched through Sacred Selections are given a sequential song # out of an old Sacred Selections hymnal.  That song becomes part of that child’s story that they will be able to tell as they grow up.

We have had the honor of providing family portraits at several local Alabama and Atlanta fundraising events, and love being able to help bless families who have answered the call to adopt. Many of the families who have received children with assistance from Sacred Selections will attend each of these local events, so it has been exciting to watch these children grow and thrive in their new families.


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It was beautiful to see how these 5 childhood friends traveled from various places to help and support their friend’s family who are awaiting the call for their new child.

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