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St. Louis Dad Becomes The Next Spoiled Rotten Photography Franchise Owner

Published on April 7, 2023

Steve and Becky Haden experienced Spoiled Rotten Photography first hand with beautiful portraits of their daughter from her local preschool. They had fallen in love with how our travel photographer, Amanda Day, had beautifully captured their shy daughter’s personality several seasons in a row. They know first hand how quickly children change and grow in the first five years! When Steve and Becky saw the opportunity for a local St. Louis Spoiled Rotten Photography franchise owner, they knew it would be the perfect opportunity to experience the lifestyle they desired with more time to spend with their young daughter.

With a background and degree in the arts, Steve has a detailed eye for pleasing compositions. After spending the last decade framing artwork and portraits taken by other photographers in his local frame shop, he was ready for a more fulfilling career of creating his own beautiful portraits on a regular basis. 

Blippi, Bluey, and Peppa Pig are all regular topics of discussion in the Haden household, so Steve naturally knew how to relate and get on a preschooler’s level to engage with them for picture day. After initial discussions with the Tash’s, Steve and Becky knew owning the first Spoiled Rotten Photography franchise in St. Louis was the right path for them!


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Steve hit the ground running this Spring to work with our current partner schools in the St. Louis area and share our easy picture day process with other local schools in the West St. Louis area. 


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A couple of things you can expect when you partner with Steve:

  • I’ll make your Picture Day a breeze, through open communication & our stress free system.
  • I adore working with kids and capturing their individual personalities in a (far too fleeting) moment in time.
  • I look forward to teaming up with you, your staff, and students, season after season.