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Welcome Kids of the Kingdom! – Killen, Florence Preschsool Photography

Published on February 6, 2012

We are happy to annouce that we will cheap jerseys be photographing Kids of the Kingdom Preschool and Kindergarten!    cheap mlb jerseys We are delighted Entice to partner business with your sweet school cheap nba jerseys Q5 and wholesale jerseys can’t wait to photograph all cheap nfl jerseys of 2013 those Son Shining faces we saw today!

We do things MUCH DIFFERENTLY than most school photographers!  We bring a beautiful set, and your child will have a Gifts mini-portrait cheap nfl jerseys session all cheap mlb jerseys at their school!    Click here to read more about how our program works and see pricing.   Make sure to see what to Post Mucca wear wholesale mlb jerseys 11 Amazing too!

Spring Zeeqk cheap jerseys Portrait dates:  M, Tu, W  March 5 – 7th.

We will be taking individual spring portraits using the Mon cheap jerseys Ami Set wholesale nba jerseys (see below for samples).    The individual spring portrait sessions are elective!   Sign up below Title if wholesale jerseys you would like your child to have a portrait session:

 Click Here to sign up for Individual Portraits.

We will also be photographing head shots (on the Mon Ami Set) for the NUOVO to yearbook.   So even if you do not sign your Blues cheap jerseys child up for a portrait cheap jerseys session, we will take a head shot of them for the wholesale jerseys wholesale nfl jerseys yearbook.   Class Portraits will also be made.   Regina or Kim will let you Galapagos know which day DRINK-NAPOJE your Our class and individual portraits will be taken.