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Focus on Autism 2018 – Preschool Photography Franchise Offers Complimentary Portraits for Children living with ASD

Published on April 30, 2018


April is Autism Awareness Month.  And with everything going on in April… we decided to wait until May to have our 7th Annual Focus on Autism Portraits!

This year’s sessions will be 8-11 am on Saturday, May 12, 2018

If you have a child living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) we would like to give you a portrait session and 11×14 wall portrait of your child.  If you would like to participate in our program- it’s easy!  Just sign up and choose a session time!  

Just Sign Up Here:   Focus on Autism

When:  Saturday, May 12

Where:  2 Meeting Street, Huntsville, AL 35806

What:  Complimentary portrait session & 11×14 Wall Portrait

We are offering a complimentary 11×14 from the session & no obligation to purchase, but other images will be available to order on-line at Spoiled Rotten Photo prices (8×10 unit (1-8×0, 2-5×7’s, 3-4×6’s, 4-4×5’s or 8 wallets) starts at $25). This year, all proceeds are donated to an amazing organization TACA (TACAnow.org).

Here’s the promo video from 2015



Focus on Autism 2014 from MelissaTash on Vimeo.

A little History:

If any of you are on my Facebook page or know our family personally,  you know about our sweet girl who lives with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). In 2006, I photographed a school that had several preschoolers on the autism spectrum.  Caroline was still a toddler and we had no clue that she was on the spectrum.  To be honest, I did not really know what autism was.   Our preschool photography company, Spoiled Rotten Photography,  is not your ordinary school picture company- we work tirelessly to get wonderful portraits of each and EVERY child.  One child came to be photographed and his shadow (or aide) was with him.  We worked and worked with him… and I remember feeling relieved when we finally got one shot of him smiling.    What I didn’t realize until his mother called me… it was the first picture they had ever gotten with their son smiling.    WOW!

Caroline had her good friend and ASD classmate over for a play-date.  His mother told me that they had not had a professional photo of their son since he was 3 (he is now 7) because “photographers just don’t know what to do with him.”    There are many other events in between 2006-2013 that have inspired me to have a day, just for kids like mine, where the photography staff understands ASD, and will work to capture the beautiful spirit that lives in each and every one of our kids.

See here for a blog post about 2011’s ASD portrait day, and 2012,  2013, and here for 2014, and here for 2015.