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Published on April 22, 2014
Huntsville Friends and Family Portrait Day- Saturday, May 3rd, 2014
You are invited to join us for our end of the season, studio portrait day. Jen will be photographing this session!
Advocacy is one of our core values at Spoiled Rotten Photography. We love to donate our time and talents to better our community. One small way we can better our community is to raise money for worthy causes.
We openly talk about our daughter who lives with Autism… or more accurately, I should say, our daughter who is recovering from Autism. TACA (Talk About Curing Autism www.TACAnow.org. ) has been an amazing support for us and other families affected by autism. We are delighted to raise money for this amazing group of moms and dads who give real help and healing for children living with autism.

It’s easy to participate:
1. Sign Up Now. Go to the link below and Register. The session fee is being donated to
TACA and is only $25 for the first four people —
add $10 for each additional person photographed after 4. We will send you an invoice to pay the session fee on-line after you register.
****You will get an auto email back as if you were signing up for a school…. no worries, all sessions are on May 3rd- we’ll let you know your time****
2. Choose clothing to coordinate with the Cloud 9 set.
See the Cloud 9 Style Guide for tips on how to make the most of your Session:
Cloud 9 Style Guide
3. Come to the Village of Providence Meeting House (2 Meeting Street, Village of Providence, Huntsville, AL 35806)
Jen will contact you with your appointment time. Let us know when you sign up if you have a preferred time.
4. View your images in your private on-line gallery. A typical proof set has 10-15 images.
You can share your access code with family and friends to show off your images!
5. Order on-line. 8x10s start at $25. Packages are available with increasing discounts. Digital images are also available.
A digital artist enhances each image, and portraits are professionally printed.
If you have a spouse deployed with the US Military, make note of this in the comments section when you order.
Deployed spouses will receive a special complimentary gift.
6. Pick Up your portraits. Portraits will be available for pick up at our studio.
(If you choose Pick up at School- you will pick up at our studio).
Home shipping is also available (this is great for out-of town grandparents that order!).
Please call or email me if you have any questions or want to chat about your session!
Jen@SpoiledRottenPhotography.com or 719-661-2313